Log Jam - In search of the key log
In the old days, men would cut logs from the forest. These would be floated in the river to the mill. It all went well until there was a log jam. Nothing moved until a skilled lumberjack came in and found the key log. When the key log was removed, like magic – the jam broke up and the logs moved down the stream properly.
Now, there may or there may not be a key log. People seem to suspect a key log. You can tell this when they say things like, “The problem with the church is such and such. …we’re not praying enough. …Christians today aren’t really committed to Christ. “ Etc.
I see problems, the ones above, others, actually a never ending stream of problems and issues. I think I see the ‘key log’, too. And, yes, I will tell you what I think, why do you think I am writing this, anyway? Here it is: I don’t think we have a clear picture of what Jesus expected us to build. Many of us assume that Jesus planned for us to build churches; now some people are starting to say build the “kingdom” instead of “churches”.
What is the word we translate ‘church’? It is ecclesia. In my opinion, the ‘key log’ is this: We don’t know what an ecclesia is, what it supposed to do and how it is supposed to do it. We have a nice ‘religious’ system in Christianity, but do we have ecclesia? I hate to be the one to break the news to you, but that 501C-3 organization on the street corner, BY LAW, CANNOT be the ecclesia. A part, to be sure… but not the whole meal deal.
For the complete Minibook, Church is NOT in the New Testament: http://bit.ly/dlOkBZ
For tweeting:
Why church doesn't work. Finding the Key Log http://www.bit.ly/b3bR5E #KingdomCryer
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