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Does anyone get the concept of a Christian Nation within a Nation? Note. I am NOT talking about creating a Christian 'State.'

Do we realize that Christians have been marginalized through accepting the 'doctrine' of political correctness? Do you realize that because we Christians have 'grown up' in a used-to-be Christian nation, our muscles have all but atrophied?

Think about it -- because Christians, the church, grew up in a Christian nation, we've become weak, fragmented and can't really impact society. The concept of the 'body of Christ' joined and functioning together and the concept of 'a holy nation' are, well... They're just that, mostly just concepts. Is this God's plan?

Study the early church... one of the reason Rome hated Christians...
They had a different ruler. "Caesar is Lord!" Response, "No, Jesus is Lord."
They handled their own disputes. No magistrate. They took their problems to the church.
Rome had a tremendous social welfare plan. The church took care of their own. And they said, "You can eat from the table of Caesar or the table of the Lord. Not both. Choose."

The Christians influenced society every where. Their presence CHANGED THINGS.

Do you know that the 'tipping point' to change things is 17.5%? Do you know the far left is focused and is marshalling the numbers needed to change things? Forever if we're not careful.

I am NOT talking about a 'take over'. Indeed, a quick look at Constantine and the resulting Roman Catholic rule can show that the church is not designed to 'rule' the masses. The nation needs to exist within this nation and every other nation. It's function needs to be highly distributed -- think of the early church. What governed were the norms and precepts. That is why the Romans (and all the others!) couldn't 'kill it.' It was more like a starfish than a spider. (Great book with that name, too). Tear a starfish in half and you get 2 starfish. Tear a spider in half and you get goo.

...Let me tell you what I understand. God is the King. {Ruler} He has established his Kingdom. {Where his rule is.} He invites us to extend his Kingdom {his rule}. People come into the Kingdom by recognizing He is the King and learning all things he commands. {Jesus said, Go make disciplined followers of all Nations, teaching them to obey everything I have commanded.} So, his Kingdom is a Kingdom of 'Regents', not 'Rulers'. {A regent serves in various capacities at the King's command and has NO autonomous power.} And, we're to carry his Kingdom within us & it should impact everything we do in every area of society. (Paul!!! You are SO right on!)
In 1892 the United States Supreme Court made an exhaustive study of the supposed connection between Christianity and the government of the United States. After reviewing hundreds of volumes of historical documents, the Court asserted, "These references add a volume of unofficial declarations to the mass of organic utterence that this is a religious people... a Christian nation." Likewise in 1931 Supreme Court Justice George Sutherland reviewed the 1892 decision in reference to another case and reiterated that Americans are a "Christian people."
How about we just have a 'spiritual' nation, not Christian. Christianity is so narrow, it would work so much better if it wasn't Christian. Afterall America has always had multiple religious....

Now, you may think that because we have been a nation of religious tolerence, Americans have been a 'spiritual' people, not a 'Christian people'... Sorry, this is just not the case... We have been a Judeo-Christian nation...

In 1892 the United States Supreme Court made an exhaustive study of the supposed connection between Christianity and the government of the United States. After reviewing hundreds of volumes of historical documents, the Court asserted, "These references add a volume of unofficial declarations to the mass of organic utterence that this is a religious people... a Christian nation." Likewise in 1931 Supreme Court Justice George Sutherland reviewed the 1892 decision in reference to another case and reiterated that Americans are a "Christian people." Christian, but tolerant. Just as God is tolerant and allows people choice in what they believe and how they live. Nevertheless, tolerence does not mean that various choices are 'good' or 'right', but they should not be legislated... I.e. We were a Christian nation, but not a Christian 'state.' Big difference.

Or, maybe your comments are speaking more to how you would set up this 'nation.' Maybe, if you were 'in charge' of setting up a godly nation, it would be 'spiritual' vs 'christian'. You can try to do this. However, you may miss an important point...

A Kingdom, has a King. Jesus has declared himself as King of Kings and Lord of Lords. Marginalize him as a 'good man', 'great teacher', maybe even a 'prophet', and you may lose the most important factor for success... the power of God demonstrated through the mercy, judgement and grace of Jesus Christ himself.
Ed S. shared (and gets it!) what it would look like! He shared this..
Regarding how a Christian nation within a nation would look: Neighbors and local churches {Chrisitians} would keep in regular contact, informing and being informed about what is happening in their fight to preserve their liberty and way of life. Strategy would be discussed, plans would be made and implemented. Local {Christian} church community leaders would keep in close contact with their counterparts across the state and across the nation. All efforts would be coordinated in such a way as to have the most effect. When one goal is achieved another goal is set until victory is gained. This is exactly the way our enemy works and we must learn to work that way as well if we hope to win. And with God's help, we will prevail. It will not be easy! It will be costly! But, we will prevail.
Regarding Christians... we can learn so many good lessons from History... In the late 1800s, early 1900s there was a significant Christian Student Movement on college campuses. The movement was split into two camps... one camp insisted that preaching salvation needed to be the central theme of the ministry. The other disagreed. Now, both camps agreed on the concept of salvation by faith in Jesus Christ, but they disagreed on the emphasis.

So, they convened a council to try to come to a consensus. The effort failed. There was a permanent rift. The ones that held to keeping salvation as a central focus went on to become the Intervarsity Fellowship -- it is a positive influence on campuses even today. The other side went on to become the World Council of Churches. This group has degenerated into liberalism and many support the radical views of the far left.

Just agreeing on 'truth' doesn't necessarily produce the type of fruit that we need to see. Unfortunately, just as our government has been polluted with far left ideals, may 'church people' carry ideals and views that have little to do with the central mission that Jesus left for us.

It is frightening to see the current course our country is on. When foreign leaders tell our leadership that our policies are putting us on a "Highway to Hell" -- everyone should 'wake up' and realize we could be heading into disaster like this country has never seen.

This call is to consider this -- could it be that God Himself has decide it is time to 'clean house'. HE may be saying is time for Christians to get serious about being a solution to the things we are facing. We need to unite to do this. Those solutions might very well include providing food and shelter to those in need. At this point, too many eyes look to the state to be 'the provider', even Christians. This was never God's plan. He intended that not only do we take care of our own, but we provide services to those on the outside.

If we would prepare, we need to unite.
Just agreeing on 'truth' doesn't necessarily produce the type of fruit that we need to see. Unfortunately, just as our government has been polluted with far left ideals, may 'church people' carry ideals and views that have little to do with the central mission that Jesus left for

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Church is not in the New Testament - Reflections of the Ecclesia

1. Running the Human Race or Running on the Rodent Wheel?Maybe you have never heard this, but I have.People say, “Is this all there is to the Kingdom – going to church, being good. If I have an opportunity, sharing my faith…” Of course, we know there are the ‘special ones’ - those that have ‘callings’ and ‘ministries,’ then there is the rest of us. We work, maybe at home, maybe in an office, factory, shop or store. We have families, t-ball, soccer, never enough time for everything and usually…See More
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1. Running the Human Race or Running on the Rodent Wheel?Maybe you have never heard this, but I have.People say, “Is this all there is to the Kingdom – going to church, being good. If I have an opportunity, sharing my faith…” Of course, we know there are the ‘special ones’ - those that have ‘callings’ and ‘ministries,’ then there is the rest of us. We work, maybe at home, maybe in an office, factory, shop or store. We have families, t-ball, soccer, never enough time for everything and usually…See More
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In search of common unity... community.

We are prone to ‘religion’. We need to face it. Religion can quickly morph into meaningless and repetitive rituals – devoid of a genuine encounter with God and our brothers and sisters. Consider communion, reliving the death of Christ and celebrating the life we have in him. There was one body, one loaf broken so that we can all participate. The Lord’s Supper is not just about celebrating what was in the past, it is also about recognizing what is here today. The one body of Christ is still…See More
Dec 20, 2009
Juanita posted a blog post

In search of common unity... community.

We are prone to ‘religion’. We need to face it. Religion can quickly morph into meaningless and repetitive rituals – devoid of a genuine encounter with God and our brothers and sisters. Consider communion, reliving the death of Christ and celebrating the life we have in him. There was one body, one loaf broken so that we can all participate. The Lord’s Supper is not just about celebrating what was in the past, it is also about recognizing what is here today. The one body of Christ is still…See More
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