My time these days is spent with a team of national and international leaders. We have a plan. We are sick of the downward spiral that is taking place in our nation and it is time for action. We have agreed that we believe the ROOT problem is that Christians have lost their ability to impact the nation.
Don't let anyone kid you - we were founded as a CHRISTIAN nation.
Did you know that in 1892 the United States Supreme Court made an exhaustive study of the supposed connection between Christianity and the government of the United States. After reviewing hundreds of volumes of historical documents, the Court asserted, "These references add a volume of unofficial declarations to the mass of organic utterance that this is a religious people... a Christian nation." Likewise in 1931 Supreme Court Justice George Sutherland reviewed the 1892 decision in reference to another case and reiterated that Americans are a "Christian people."
The values conservatives want, that most of us want, are rooted in our Judeo-Christian values. It was those values that gave us freedom. And people are trying to take those values away and lock us out.
Our plan is simple and three fold. I cannot emphasize enough… this plan can allow a voice for ALL who want to positively impact our nation – it give us a greater forum for our voices and a forum to make activities like Tea Parties visible so that people can be part.
It is a community by community initiative. That means we are focusing on one community to start. The team is so energized about this that the leaders are re-arranging their lives to spend days to months to be on site to implement the plan.
The three parts are this…
1) Make ministry visible so that Pastors and Christian leaders in a community can work together.
The Foundational Design Team believes that we have all we need to get the job done… but we are not united and we don’t help with common initiatives. Building a united Ministry Wall is the solution! The Ministry Wall will be built by people finding how to work together collaboratively and it will be visible as an actual ‘wall’ and via the web. See the Ministry Wall
2) Town Meetings. In many places and in many ways the voices of we, the people, are ‘locked out.’ Our initiative calls for the establishment of regular Town Meetings comprised of community leaders to talk collaboratively about issues: Civic, Education, Christian, Media, Health, etc. To see details, check out
3) Multiply across the nation. We have to start with a focus region. Here is the information on the kickoff. The plan is to go from the Endless Mountains of north central, PA, to other cities such as Phoenix and Kansas City. See details on the kickoff
Why am I bothering to tell you all of these things?
Well, let me ask you a question, WILL WE SURVIVE if we do NOT UNITE?
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