Principles of Change Applied to Remote Learning (web)

See the attached chart for analysis. It considers the change desired from low complexity requiring low skill to high complexity requiring high skill. As more people have to interact in the system, the complexity of the change grows geometrically.

Bottom line: Jesus could have come during our modern day and used a cool simulcast to make disciples of all nations. But, instead he chose to walk dusty roads with 12 men for 3 years. The act of creating skilled workers (disciplined followers) was a apprentice approach using extended amounts of time, unconditional love and modeling. "Do as I do" vs. "Do as I say."

We should be careful to use tools in a way that will produce optimum results. We CAN hammer in a nail with a screwdriver, but it is not necessarily the best choice.

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Church is not in the New Testament - Reflections of the Ecclesia

1. Running the Human Race or Running on the Rodent Wheel?Maybe you have never heard this, but I have.People say, “Is this all there is to the Kingdom – going to church, being good. If I have an opportunity, sharing my faith…” Of course, we know there are the ‘special ones’ - those that have ‘callings’ and ‘ministries,’ then there is the rest of us. We work, maybe at home, maybe in an office, factory, shop or store. We have families, t-ball, soccer, never enough time for everything and usually…See More
Mar 14, 2010
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Church is not in the New Testament - Reflections of the Ecclesia

1. Running the Human Race or Running on the Rodent Wheel?Maybe you have never heard this, but I have.People say, “Is this all there is to the Kingdom – going to church, being good. If I have an opportunity, sharing my faith…” Of course, we know there are the ‘special ones’ - those that have ‘callings’ and ‘ministries,’ then there is the rest of us. We work, maybe at home, maybe in an office, factory, shop or store. We have families, t-ball, soccer, never enough time for everything and usually…See More
Mar 14, 2010
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It is the close of one week and the opening of the next.Last week was such a feast of understanding and revelation. We prepare to offer family and household training to others. Part of that preparation included a detailed analysis. Using the 7 levels of the 5 x 7 model: Globe, Nation, State, Community, Congregation, Small Group, and Individual, we looked at the responsibility of believers at each level. This created a model that told us some things.Here is what the model showed so clearly...You…See More
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"Excellent post, Juanita. Thanks for sharing. Keep me posted. Blessings..."
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In search of common unity... community.

We are prone to ‘religion’. We need to face it. Religion can quickly morph into meaningless and repetitive rituals – devoid of a genuine encounter with God and our brothers and sisters. Consider communion, reliving the death of Christ and celebrating the life we have in him. There was one body, one loaf broken so that we can all participate. The Lord’s Supper is not just about celebrating what was in the past, it is also about recognizing what is here today. The one body of Christ is still…See More
Dec 20, 2009
Juanita posted a blog post

In search of common unity... community.

We are prone to ‘religion’. We need to face it. Religion can quickly morph into meaningless and repetitive rituals – devoid of a genuine encounter with God and our brothers and sisters. Consider communion, reliving the death of Christ and celebrating the life we have in him. There was one body, one loaf broken so that we can all participate. The Lord’s Supper is not just about celebrating what was in the past, it is also about recognizing what is here today. The one body of Christ is still…See More
Dec 20, 2009
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