The Jews had responsibility for the land, the citizen and the foreigner. God was at the top; his rule extended through the Land of Promise.
We don’t have a place, or land, the Kingdom is within us. And so, naturally, we don’t pay any attention to the world around us. We don’t pay attention to our cities, our towns, our neighborhoods or our neighbors. We let the state handle social welfare issues. We let the state handle education and civic issues. We let the state do it all. Why? Maybe it is because we’re spiritual. Everything is evil – right? Making money is evil – but, giving money is good. Politics are evil; lets include baseball, playing cards, hanging out with friends. We’re even against high heels and narrow ties. How is that working out for us?
And, how is that working out for our neighbors and our neighborhoods? If we check out Jesus on this subject, he said to make disciplined followers where we live, that would be Judea; then to move out beyond our neighborhoods, that would be Jerusalem, and out an out until we impact nations! Talk about Kingdom government responsibility! We live on the LAND, here, now. Yes, we are citizens of heaven living here – His ‘occupied terriority’ should be among us and reflect in every dimension of Kingdom society and culture.
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What is our Kingdom responsibility for the territory, the lands around us?
For the complete Minibook, Church is NOT in the New Testament:
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Land ahoy! What is our Kingdom responsibility for the territory, the lands around us? #KingdomCryer
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